WWW Starters  
CNET - comprehensive computer related site updated regularly

Currency Conversion - from practically any currency to any other, todays or previous rates

CyberMall New Zealand - shopping, commerce and entertainment

Galt Shareware Zone - games, utilities, screen savers, internet, graphics, multimedia...

Interesting WWW Sites - enough links to last a lifetime

International Time - in 24 countries/cities mostly in Asia but including London, New York

Internet Personals - “I met the greatest person on the internet last night.”

Learn the net - a great place to start for "newbies" , includes a glossary.

Lycos City Guide - an ever-growing "best websites" list including entries for New Zealand

Museum of Modern Art in New York - paintings, sculpture, film, photography...

New Zealand Links - a selection of interesting and useful resource sites in NZ

Electronic Media Database - on-line newspapers, magazines, television, radio...

RealAudio - streaming audio and video software, one of the best...

Search Engines - national and international search engines and web directories

Warp Drive When - explore the possibilities of interstellar travel...

Winfiles.com - tips and tricks, shareware, driver updates - for Win95, 98, NT, CE...

Zen and the Art of the Internet - a beginner's guide to FTP, usegroups, e-mail, telnet...


Updated January 25, 2001.
Created and maintained by the Plain Communications Design Team